Your 2024 X Games Men's Ski Knuckle Huck podium. Mpu Dinani/X Games

Event News

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Colby Stevenson reclaims his Knuckle Huck gold

By: Adam Herman January 28, 2024

Everyone’s favorite X Games event, the Knuckle Huck, wrapped up Saturday night in Aspen, Colorado with dub 12s and familiar faces on the podium. Colby Stevenson reclaimed his gold from 2020, ahead of Henrik Harlaut and Jesper Tjader.

The 20-minute jam session started off unexpectedly with a huge nose butter dub 12 by Dennis Ranalter. Dennis dropped in as a last-minute replacement for Matej Svancer who had to pull out because of an illness, much to the surprise of the commentators and great disappointment of us viewers.  Unfortunately, Dennis went a little too big and washed out. Next in line was Cody LaPlante, who earned himself a spot through the SLVSH Cup, and went for the same trick, caught an edge on the take off, but somehow managed to land it clean. Unlike Finnish madman Juho Saastamoinen, who opened up with a misty 5 handdrag, but lost a ski on the switch landing. The gold medalist from 2022, Quinn Wolferman shot into first place with his steezy nollie bio 10 lead safety, only to be pushed into second by no-poles Henrik going with a switch tail-butter bio 9. A-Hall landed a clean 9 but missed a tail tap, Colby introduced himself with a huge nose-butter hand-drag dub 12 moving him into first place for about a minute, until Jesper wrapped up run 1 with his switch-backie-knuckle-switch-backie combo.

Dennis cleaned up his dub 12 to start run 2, while Cody sent a beautiful switch tail butter 10 and Juho blew everyone’s brains with a tail butter front flip. Yes, you read that right: he nollied onto his tails and somehow managed to huck a frontflip out, which moved him into second place. Quinn got in a nice switch tail butter rodeo 9, Henrik was a bit sketchy on a nosebutter 3, while A-Hall served up a crazy steezy handdrag zero. Colby and Jesper traded first place again with a switch right tail butter 3 into a nose butter 9 by Colby and a massive handdrag 9 from Jesper.

Jesper Tjader competes in X Games Knuckle Huck
Jesper Tjäder—a man scientifically engineered to compete in Knuckle Huck. Joshua Duplechian/X Games

Cody’s insanely steezy switch 5 pullback to 3 earned him a third place for a minute, Juho boosted a switch 180 into a dub misty 9, but unfortunately lost a ski again on the landing. Quinn’s dub misty boosted him into first place, followed by Henrik in 2nd with a switch tail butter 10. Colby then jumped back to the top with a left switch tail butter into a nose butter dub, while Jesper wheelies into a barani to end round 3.

Last run was double time for most of the riders. Cody went down on a switch 14 tail tap. Juho laced his dub misty 9, nose butter dub 12 from Henrik, A-hall bails on a hand drag 3 pullback to 1. And Colby stomped a huge nose butter 14 down to the parking lot, insuring his gold. The last to drop, Jesper kicked Quinn off of third with another nose butter dub 12 to wrap up this year’s Knuckle Huck.


Knuckle Huck full replay. X-Games