By: Thomas Trifonitchev November 07, 2021

Oh dear… the steeze armada of Harlaut Apparel dropped their 20/21 Edit “WUN”. Nothing other to say then WATCH it now !

WUN – A video by Harlaut Apparel Co. filmed during the 20/21 season around Europe.


Henrik Harlaut
Noah Albaladejo
Morten Grape
Hugo Burvall
Valentin Morel
Ez Pvnda

Filmed by Emil Granöö
Edited by Henrik & Link Vision
Additional filming by Eppern, Pepe Sánchez, Andrea Cadena, BLDZ,
HarlautGang, Douglas Broström, Mattias Axelsson, Sofia Wester Sjöberg,
Niklas Eriksson
Photography & Animations by Oscar Harlaut