By: Ethan Stone May 13, 2024

Need more Finland in your life? Indulge in four minutes of delectable spring park shredding from Ruka and Pyhä courtesy of Arttu Heikkinen, featuring some of Finland’s best.

We know Arttu Heikkinen as the man behind the lens for the last few Forre movies. When he’s not filming in the streets, however, you can find Arttu followcaming some of Finland’s best park rippers at Ruka and Pyhä.

Arttu’s “mega spring video” is a quick compilation of exactly that: park hot laps with a star-studded cast including Elias Syrjä, Joona Kangas and a dreamy closer by the white wizard of the North himself, Antti Ollila. Plus some smooth Finnish 90’s rock classics from the likes of Hector and Tommi Läntinen, and you’ve got yourself an enjoyable watch.