
Harley tow-in

Are we there yet | A street film by Ailo Riponiemi

By: Simon Bartik November 23, 2023

Beautiful skiing, beautiful filming, beautiful editing. Finnish skier Ailo Riponiemi is coming in hot with his solo street project “Are we there yet”, presented by Level 1. We believe it’s the first time we’ve seen a skier being towed by a Harley for an urban feature. Sit back and enjoy this Finnish creation!

From YouTube: “Are we there yet” is a solo project and creation of Finnish freeskier Ailo. The film takes place in the streets of Finland and portrays skiing through Ailo’s mind. This zero-budget urban skiing film was made possible by various friends sacrificing their time and work to make Ailo’s vision happen.

Follow Ailo on social media at @aiolimate

Film supported by Black Crows skis. More Videos and Merchandise at