
Markus Kleveland | Skiedit Vol. 2

By: Downdays May 13, 2021

It’s been trendy lately for pro skiers to pick up a snowboard on their off days (looking at you Wiley Miller, Parker White and Sean Pettit). What’s not so common, though, is when one of our single-plank brethren returns to the True Path and straps on skis. This makes a lot of sense: after getting used to snowboard boots, who would ever want to stick their feet into ski boots ever again?

However, after watching this ski edit by Norwegian shredder Marcus Kleveland, maybe it’s best that pro snowboarders stay away from skis. Watching a rider chucking double corks on his second day of the season is not exactly confidence-inspiring for the rest of us. Be that as it may, it’s pretty damn impressive nonetheless to see Marcus flawlessly shift gears and show the skiers what’s good.